FundedNext vs E8 Funding vs Funding Traders: A Complete Prop Firm Comparison


Read a complete prop firm comparison between FundedNext vs E8 Funding vs Funding Traders. The prop firm industry has evolved drastically in the recent few years – with companies providing substantial trading accounts, training resources, and a supportive community.

Of course, traders must compare evaluation rules, supported styles, and payout structures to choose a prop firm that suits their strategies. While comparing FundedNext vs E8 Funding vs Funding Traders, you should also understand unique prop firm features, limitations, and guidelines to make an informed decision. Keep in mind choosing the right prop trading firms in New York City can help utilize your trading excellence and achieve financial success.
>> As a global prop firm, Funding Traders offers unique opportunities to leverage your skills and trade bigger with institutional-level capital. Join Funding Traders and leverage:

  • No Time Limit Challenge Accounts
  • Zero Commissions During Evaluation
  • Fast Weekly Payouts
  • EA/News/Copy Trading Supported

Keep reading for a complete prop firm comparison between FundedNext vs Funding Traders vs E8 Funding.

Challenge Fee

Compare E8 Funding vs FundedNext vs Funding Traders based on prop firm challenge fees. Typically, the prop firm fee depends on your chosen account size. While some prop firms may only charge a one-time fee, others require you to pay recurring subscription charges every month. Clearly compare the challenge fee structure to choose a reliable prop trading company.


With FundedNext, you can start with a one-time $99 challenge fee that only includes the evaluation phase. Once you pass the challenge, FundedNext requires you to pay an additional fee for your preferred account size – ranging between $59 to $999. These additional charges may increase your overall expense – even after successfully completing the evaluation.

E8 Funding:

E8Funding’s challenge fee also varies based on your selected account size – with the initial $25,000 account starting from $228. Meanwhile, the prop firm charges an even higher one-time challenge fee of $888 for the premium $100,000 funded account. The higher fees may limit beginners or experienced traders from leveraging substantial institutional capital.

Funding Traders:

Funding Traders offers affordable challenge accounts to support all types of traders – beginners, intermediate, or experienced. You only need to pay a one-time fee to complete the challenge and get funded – with no recurring subscription or additional charges. Here’s a quick overview of Funding Traders’ challenge fee for various account sizes:

  • Mini ($10,000) – $100
  • Starter ($25,000) – $200
  • Basic ($50,000) – $300
  • Advanced ($100,000) – $550
  • Superior ($200,000) – $1,000

>>  Upon completing the challenge, you are also eligible for a 100% refund of the initial challenge fee. Experienced seasoned traders looking for unique opportunities can also sign up for Elite and Apex accounts to manage up to $2M funded accounts.  

Indeed, the challenge fee is a critical comparison factor between FundedNext vs Funding Traders vs E8 Funding.

Funding Evaluations

Next, compare prop firm funding evaluations between E8 Funding vs Funding Traders vs FundedNext. These three prop firms offer multiple evaluation programs to fund skilled traders. During the challenge, the prop firms test your risk management, profitability, and consistency to manage the funded account.


FundedNext offers both 1-step and 2-step challenge accounts – with strict profit targets. For instance, traders who sign up for Express challenge accounts must achieve a consistent 25% profit target. In addition, the prop firm sets strict guidelines to complete the challenge. For two-step evaluation, the prop firm only offers 40 days to meet profit targets and get funded. These strict time limits may add additional psychological pressure – restricting you from successfully passing the evaluation.

E8 Funding:

Compared to FundedNext, Funding Traders only provides a two-step funding evaluation program with a 10% profit target. While the prop firm’s evaluation rules are straightforward, traders may struggle to complete the phase-1 profit targets within the 30-day time limit.

Funding Traders:

Sign up for 1-step or 2-step challenge accounts and achieve a realistic 10% profit target to get funded. With no-time limit rule, you can trade at your own pace – avoiding overtrading to cover up the losses. Additionally, the alleviated pressure allows you to stay focused, follow the challenge rules, and eventually complete the prop firm evaluation.

  • Profit Target (1-step challenge): 10%
  • Profit Target (2-step Phase-1): 10%
  • Profit Target (2-step Phase-2): 5%
  • Maximum Drawdown (1-step challenge): 5%
  • Maximum Drawdown (2-step challenge): 10%
  • Daily Drawdown (1-step challenge): 4%
  • Daily Drawdown (2-step challenge): 5%

>> Receive support from an active prop firm Discord community to navigate unexpected challenges during your evaluation. Plus, swing traders are allowed to hold trades overnight/weekend to achieve the profit targets on long-term price movements and get funded.

Definitely, you should clearly compare prop firm evaluation rules between E8 Funding vs FundedNext vs Funding Traders.

Profit Splits

In addition, compare offered profit splits between FundedNext vs E8 Funding vs Funding Traders. Once funded, these prop firms take a percentage of the earnings – depending on the individual profit-sharing model. Ultimately, the offered profit splits can make a significant difference to your overall earnings.


Primarily, FundedNext’s straightforward profit-sharing structure is designed specifically for beginners. For the Express account, the prop firm starts with a 60-40 split in your favor – eventually sharing up to 80% of the earned profit. Similarly, other funded account options cap your profit at 80% – with some opportunities to scale up to a 90-10 split. The decent profit split may not cater to experienced traders looking to earn bigger.


E8 Funding shares a default 80% profit with all traders. Keep in mind the profit split is only available once you secure prop firm funding. Traders with exclusive ELEV8-funded accounts are also eligible to keep a profit split up to 90%. Remember, the higher profit split is only available for specific account sizes – limiting other traders’ earning potential.

Funding Traders:

Funding Traders share a default and competitive 80-20 profit split in your favor. Compared to other prop firms, this default profit split is available for all traders – across all account sizes. In addition, you can also increase your profit split up to 100% with exclusive add-ons. This competitive profit-sharing model is a rewarding opportunity for anyone looking to grow their prop trading career.

Indeed, the prop firm’s profit split is an unavoidable comparison factor between E8 Funding vs FundedNext vs Funding Traders.

Educational Resources And Mentorship Programs

Compare prop firm’s educational resources and mentorship programs between Funding Traders vs E8 Funding vs FundedNext. Among these three prop firms, select a platform with hands-on training support to receive guidance on your specific trading styles.


FundedNext provides comprehensive educational resources to guide beginners and experienced traders. In addition, the active community support creates a competitive environment for traders to grow and succeed.

E8 Funding:

In addition to educational resources, E8 Funding also provides one-on-one guidance programs. These unique educational programs help improve your trading skills – necessary for your career growth.

Funding Traders:

Funding Traders provides a wide range of educational resources to support a trader’s growth. You can utilize the prop firm’s educational material, webinars, and the active blog to expand your knowledge. In addition, Funding Traders provides a supportive community where you can share ideas, seek mentorship, and receive the latest trading updates. Join Funding Traders’ online communities to keep refining your trading strategies:

>> Select the exclusive “Account Review” add-on to receive a detailed written report on your performance during the challenge. This constructive feedback can help beginners identify areas of improvement and improve their trading skills.

Indeed, available educational resources and mentorship programs are two essential comparison factors between FundedNext vs E8 Funding vs Funding Traders.

Account Scaling Opportunities

Finally, account scaling opportunity is another comparison factor between FundedNext vs Funding Traders vs E8 Funding. Typically, prop firms offer varying scaling plans with a fixed maximum account size. Choose a prop firm with funding challenge in forex offering competitive & rapid scaling opportunities to increase your initial account balance and trade bigger.


FundedNext offers a rewarding scaling plan with a maximum capital allocation of $4 million. Keep in mind the prop firm sets strict scaling rules – requiring traders to stay profitable throughout the cycle of four consecutive months.

E8 Funding:

While the prop firm offers competitive scaling plans, the maximum capital allocation is limited at $300,000 for standard accounts. Even after scaling, experienced traders like you only receive smaller account sizes – limiting your ability to trade bigger.

Funding Traders:

Funding Traders’ rapid scaling plan works in a three-month period. The eligibility criteria for scaling remains consistent for all traders – regardless of the initial account size. These competitive scaling opportunities support consistently profitable, disciplined, and risk-averse traders. To qualify for scaling plan, you must:

  • Trade for three consecutive months
  • Achieve a 10% overall profit during these three months
  • Stay profitable for at least two months during this period

>> Once qualified, Funding Traders scales up your initial account balance by 25%. In addition, the maximum capital allocation is capped at $2 million to support experienced, profitable, and skilled traders like you!

Definitely, compare the prop firm’s account scaling opportunities between FundedNext vs Funding Traders vs E8 Funding.

There are several prop firm comparison factors between FundedNext vs E8 Funding vs Funding Traders. First, compare the available challenge fees to choose a prop firm with transparent and fair charges. Next, understand the prop firm’s forex funding programs, profit split, and supported educational resources to make an informed decision. Experienced traders should also compare account scaling opportunities to choose a prop firm with a rewarding scaling plan.

Ready to join a reputed prop firm between FundedNext vs Funding Traders vs E8 Funding? Click here to get started with a prop firm challenge account.

Author of this article



Growing up in New York City, Stan started his Wall Street career at the age of 18 working for a reputed stock brokerage firm. After working comprehensively for a wealth management group in the States, Stan switched to investment management - followed up by a full-time trading career in traditional prop firms. Today, he shares his wisdom, strategies, and funding to aspiring traders looking to trade big like industry professionals. When he's not analyzing charts, making strategic decisions, and shooting videos, Stan loves writing down these informative value-driven posts to support aspiring traders across the globe.

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