How To Use Copy Trading Funded Accounts At Prop Firms


Discover how to manage copy trading funded accounts at prop firms. Copy trading helps replicate successful, profitable, and low-risk trades across multiple accounts – increasing profit potential. Copy trading support allows experienced prop traders to replicate profitable positions across multiple accounts and diversify profit potential. While beginners may leverage copy trading to improve skills, learn strategies, and gain confidence, many prop firms may not allow copying from someone else’s accounts. As someone trading with prop firms, carefully analyze the copy trading rules to avoid breaching strict guidelines on funded accounts.

>> Pass free funding prop firm challenges at Funding Traders to leverage copy trading support on your live account. If you’re managing multiple accounts, take advantage of copy trading to replicate your profitable strategies and diversify the overall portfolio.

Read on to learn about using forex-funded accounts at prop firms that allow copy trading.

Copy Trades Within Your Own Accounts

Legitimate prop firms allow copy trading within your own funded accounts. Typically, you are allowed to copy trades across all accounts registered under your name. Some prop firms may register a single Master and multiple slave accounts to facilitate copy-trading activities. Additionally, you should also watch out for maximum capital allocation while managing multiple funded accounts with copy trading.

>> Funding Traders is one of the best FTMO alternatives – facilitating ethical copy trading activities on funded accounts. As an individual trader, you are allowed to manually copy trades on multiple FT accounts.

To maintain transparent activities, prop firms often set automated flagging systems that detect unethical copy trading practices. Accounts with identical opening & closing prices, lot sizes, and risk parameters may get banned permanently as well. Definitely, copy trading on funded accounts requires replicating strategies within personal accounts.

Avoid Misleading Copy Trading Scams

In addition, try to avoid common prop trading scams around copy trading funded accounts. Unfortunately, copy trading with prop firms also attracts a variety of online scams – including fake bots, high-risk EAs, and off-the-shelf software. Often, scammers may offer prop firm passing services to complete funding evaluations on your behalf. Keep in mind these scammers rely on copying high-risk, over-leveraged trades across multiple prop firm accounts – often leading to permanent account suspensions.

>> To avoid common prop firm scams, FT encourages all traders to manually copy trades across their accounts. When you buy a prop firm challenge accounts at FT, always rely on manual trading over third-party software to prevent scams.

Some scammers may allure traders with unrealistic copy trading services – promising huge returns in a shorter time span. These activities always breach prop firm trading rules and may result in the termination of your funded accounts. Definitely, avoid copy trading scams on forex-funded accounts to maintain a consistent performance at prop firms.

Leverage Manual Copying Over Trade Copiers

Next, manually replicate positions on copy trading prop firm accounts. Compared to trade copiers, manual copying of positions is allowed for an individual managing multiple accounts. While a trade copier may automate your operations to replicate successful trading strategies, these tools also contribute to unethical hedging activities. Additionally, trade copier software never guarantees success and may increase underlying risks involved in forex trading. To get funded as a trader with prop firms, avoid trade copiers – especially when you’re replicating trades within your accounts.

>> While Funding Traders encourages copy trading manually, you are allowed to leverage trusted software platforms under a few conditions. Particularly, use copy trading tools to replicate trades from your accounts registered under other brokers, prop firms, and funding platforms.

Definitely, manually manage all your copy trading funded accounts without relying on third-party copiers.

Learn About Automated & EA Policies

To manage copy trading prop firm funded accounts successfully, always follow policies around automation, EAs, and bots. Particularly, prop firms consider identical trades from the same EA a violation of their policies. In fact, prop firms that allow EA systems encourage traders to use customized risk parameters, stop losses, and take profits to avoid identical activities.

>> At FT, you can use EAs, bots, and automated systems to streamline your copy trading operations and successfully pass 2-step & 1-step prop funded account challenges. However, get in touch with our team to only use permitted risk-focused EAs that do not manipulate market movements.

  • Off-The-Shelf EAs Are Not Allowed
  • Bots With Poor Risk Parameters Are Restricted
  • HFT, Martingale, and Hedging-Focused Copy Trading EAs Are Not Allowedย 

In addition, many prop firms prohibit the use of commercial EAs with automated copy trading algorithms to maintain ethical practices within the prop trading platform. Definitely, prop firms that allow copy trading set strict policies on automation and Expert Advisors.

Prioritize Risk Management On Copied Trades

Finally, focus on risk management to use copy trading forex-funded accounts at prop firms. With risk management, you can open well-calculated positions on your copy trading accounts. Use stop losses, take profits, and position sizing parameters to limit your risk exposure on copied trades. This way, you may prevent unexpected drawdowns – even if your master account experiences significant losses.

FT encourages strict prop trading risk management strategies on your accounts to diversify your risk exposure wisely and protect prop firm capital. These risk management strategies include:

  • Consistent Position Sizing of <2%
  • Manual Stop Loss Limits On Opened Positions
  • Use Of Risk-Focused Expert Advisors & Bots

Indeed, prioritize prop trading risk management strategies to manage copy trading prop firm funded accounts.

There are several strategies to use copy trading prop firm funded accounts. Particularly, prop firms only allow copy trading within accounts registered under the same individual. While managing funded accounts, avoid common copy trading scams to maintain a consistent performance. Of course, you should manually copy trades across your accounts as opposed to relying on third-party copiers.

Many prop firms also set strict policies on the use of EAs & bots – especially for copy trading accounts. Of course, you must manage risk exposure on all your accounts to avoid major losses during volatile market conditions. Follow the points above to learn more about managing copy trading funded accounts with prop firms.

Author of this article



Growing up in New York City, Stan started his Wall Street career at the age of 18 working for a reputed stock brokerage firm. After working comprehensively for a wealth management group in the States, Stan switched to investment management - followed up by a full-time trading career in traditional prop firms. Today, he shares his wisdom, strategies, and funding to aspiring traders looking to trade big like industry professionals. When he's not analyzing charts, making strategic decisions, and shooting videos, Stan loves writing down these informative value-driven posts to support aspiring traders across the globe.

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